Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Presenting SEYOGA'S new branding

I am so incredibly happy to present SEYOGA'S new look and branding. What a fresh, neat and lively logo, with such a stylish representation of a snail!

So, why a snail? I have always been quite fascinated by the graceful and elegant movement of a snail. I always tend to stop wherever I am to take them out of harms way. One day sitting in the garden I had the lovely pleasure of my hand being fully investigated by one of these beauties and found myself asking a bunch of questions. 

As curiosity is such a wonderful instigator to the discovery of the wonders of our world, I did some research and was absolutely amazed by these little creatures and how they function in our world...and how they relate to our yoga world.

More and more I just found the snail to be such a great representative for what yoga stands for and just had to make him/her apart of my image. Not to get all sci-ency, but here are some wonderful facts and how/what they meant to me and the connection to yoga and us.

  • They are one of the most flexible creatures in the world. In our yoga practice, yes we aim for flexibility, but not just in the body but also in the mind. 'Those who are flexible, will not be bent out of shape' ;)
  • Living with no rush (Live Slow). While they do not move fast, they do move at a very steady pace. Representing consistency, patience and endurance.
  • They are small, but not weak. Snails can lift up to 10 times their own body weight. Representing inner-strength and will-power. 'Will-power is a muscle, the more you use it, the stronger it gets'.
  • Snails eat mostly plants as well as decaying plants. They also chew on fruits and young succulent plant bark. Nutrition is so important to the human body, any deficiency can cause a major imbalance in the body and affect how we feel and how efficiently we live. Emotions can be affected and even the way we think can be affected by that feeling. A healthy diet or eating lifestyle is absolutely crucial to over-all health and of course our attitude and energy levels in our yoga practice.
  • Snails are hermaphrodites, having both reproductive organs of male and female. In yoga we see the energy body consisting of both male and female, male on the right representing the energy side and female on the left representing the lethargic side. Testing your nostrils can often indicate which side is blocked and certain techniques assists in bringing balance to the two sides, which is what we always aim for.
  • While moving, snails leave behind a trail of mucus. This mucus acts as a powerful lubricant to reduce friction against the surface. This is why they are able to move upside down, around corners & even over the sharpest obstacle. For me this mucus represents the energy we give off as humans, positive, strong and loving, this energy will carry us through anything and everything.
  • Snails have different shaped shells. It can be a single shell that is rounded, spiral high and pointed, or it can be flat...we all have 'hard' bodies - vessels carrying our energy body. And they as well, come in all different shapes and sizes :)
  • The snail moves by creeping on a flat 'foot' underneath the body. The band of muscles in the 'foot' contract and expand and this creates a kind of rippling movement. In our yoga practice with asana, pranayama and meditation, our physical and spiritual muscles are at a constant expansion and contraction.
  • When conditions are dry, snails retreat into their shells and seal the entrance. They can survive in a state of suspended animation for several months. In our lives we often receive seasons of drought, taking the time to let go of the outer world, and come into a state of fasting and stillness can put so many things in perspective and give us clarity as we submit, sacrifice and cleanse the body and mind. Not waiting for the drought to pass by acquiring the strength to get through it.

I hope that you would all agree with me and see, that the snail truly represents flexibility, strength and balance and so I hope my branding, my classes, my energy and all of you will represent the same.

I would like to extend my gratitude and appreciation to Mr. Niki Gower from Niki Gower Media Consult for his assistance in the design and creation of the new look and feel of SEYOGA. If you need any help with photography, logo design and branding, website design or any media or marketing related stuff, you can email him on or you can give him a call on (+248) 258 9732.

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