Structure of the eye:
The eye is the only part of the brain which projects outside the cranium, the bony box which protects the brain. The white area of the eye is called sclera. This becomes transparent centrally and is called the cornea. Behind the cornea is the iris, which gives the eye its characteristics color.
The center of the iris is a hole, called the pupil, which allows light into the eye. The iris constantly contracts and dilates in order to adjust the amount of light coming into the eye. Behind the cornea is the lens which adjusts our vision to distance. The inside of the eye is filled with fluid.
Light passes through the lens and falls on the inner back wall of the eye, which is called the retina. The retina has specialized sensory receptors called rods and cones, which react to shading, black and white, and color. The images projected onto the retina pass via the optic nerves to the back (occipital) part of the cerebrum of the brain. The cerebrum integrates the images coming from both eyes. Because we have binocular vision, tow eyes focusing on an object, we can appreciate depth and distance, size and spatial relationships.
Short- and long-sightedness:
The lens is situated in the center of the eye and is responsible for the bending of incoming rays of light so that they converge onto the retina and thereby stimulate nerve cells to produce a clear and accurate picture of the image being viewed. The process of bending light is called refraction. If the lens fails to focus light exactly onto the retina, the picture is blurred and this is called refractive error. This may also occur because the shape of the eye distorts from a near perfect sphere, either elongating or shortening. The following refractive errors are the most common:
- Myopia (short-sightedness), in which the lens is too thick and the image falls short of the retina, resulting in an inability to focus on distant objects. This is most common in young people.
- Hypermetropia (long-sightedness), which is the opposite of myopia. More common in old age.
- Astigmatism, which is caused by variations and unevenness in the lens.
The experiences of many people disprove the notion that eye problems are inevitable and incurable and yoga is playing a large part of revolution. Aldous Huxley, the famous author, was nearly blinded at the age of sixteen by keratitis punctato, a condition caused by opacities of the cornea and made worse by farsightedness and astigmatism. After a few months of special eye exercises he was able to read without glasses and without strain.
Dr. William Bates was an ophthalmologist who lived in the early part of this century and who presented a revolutionary method of visual re-education. As a young doctor Bates did not believe that glasses were the only answer. Forty years of research resulted in a sophisticated technique that has proven effective in many cases. He developed the theory that defective vision is not inherited but occurs when mental and emotional stress cause the eyes to be strained. He devised a system of exercises and a relaxation technique similar to yoga nidra. Through his techniques, flashes of vision occur which increase in clarity and length over a period of time until clarity replaces fuzziness. To understand how this can occur we need to know a little more about the cause of the eye defects.
The underlying cause:
The lens is controlled by ciliary muscles which accommodate vision to far and near objects, causing the lens to thicken, increasing its power. When we look into the distance, the normal eye adjusts the ciliary muscles within a fraction of a second. The adjustment proceeds with incredible precision to give us a constantly clear image of the world.
In short-sightedness the ciliary muscles are constantly contracted, in spasm, preventing the lens from accommodating to distant objects. Spasm is caused by straining to see. For example, short-sightedness is very common in young students who are constantly straining while reading, thereby forcing the ciliary muscles to contract for abnormally long periods of time. It is not reading which is the problem, but the straining to read and understand, long hours, fatigue and unhealthy, imbalance lifestyle. Many students live in a world of near objects and their eyes 'forget' how to adjust to long distances. This may be one of the reasons myopia is so common in the young.
Straining to see or read, or in any other use of the eyes, is often accompanied by straining of the other facial muscles, forehead, temples, jaw muscles and also of the neck and shoulders. Myopia and other eye defects then fall into the category of general mental and emotional tensions and can be regarded as psychosomatic disorders.
Another interesting facet of facial tension and refractive errors is the fact that we forgot to blink, and this intensifies straining. Blinking is vital for maintaining moist, healthy eyes and for protecting the eyes from foreign objects, such as dust and grit. At the same time blinking momentarily rests the eyes. When we strain, the blinking mechanism also suffers. It is an interesting exercise to sit and blink consciously a few times in order to experience its effect on the state of tension within the eyes.
By far the most common refractive error of the elderly is hypermetropia. As age creeps up, the ciliary muscles weaken and it becomes difficult for them to contract sufficiently to allow the lens to accommodate for near objects. It is also quite common for myopic eyes to become normal for some time before hypermetropia takes over. Many people fine themselves in the situation where they are unable to focus on either far or near objects and require bi-focal lenses, the upper lens for distance and the lower for reading.
A medical examination is essential to exclude such conditions as diabetes, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis or nephritis, which are also common causes of poor eyesight.
Correcting the error:
The obvious means of correcting the tension and weakness of the refracting muscles of the eye is to institute a series of exercises to initially relax and then to strengthen, only the muscles themselves, but also our control over these muscles. At the same time we must work on our general body tensions. This is a much more sensible method of approaching the situation than glass lenses, which tend to splint the eye defect and prevent its returning to a normal state. If we become dependent on glasses we will never be able to see without them.
Along with exercises for the eyes, a health promotion lifestyle is necessary. Diet should be simple, light and free from chemicals and refined and processed foods. Certain vitamins are particularly important for good vision. These include Vitamin A, found in yellow carotene containing food groups, such as carrots and apricots, Vitamin B2 and the essential amino acid tryptophane, found in milk, and Vitamin C, found in fresh fruit and vegetables. These nutrients are particularly important for children.
The exercises neutralize eyestrain and teach us the correct use of all eye muscles. They help smooth out the distortion of the lens and the eye itself, and should be incorporated into our daily routine. Palming, front and sideways viewing, and distant and near viewing are all particularly good for the ciliary muscles. By just crossing the eyes alpha waves are generated.
Palming is also a relaxing, alpha producing exercise in which heat produced by rubbing the palms of the hands is used to soothe the eyes. The same relaxing effect can be obtained by sitting with the eyes closed while facing the rising or setting sun. The rays of the sun will be felt to penetrate deep into the eyes, associated with a very pleasant sensation. In both exercises avoid any concentration. Simply gaze and allow all tension to melt away.
While performing the palming exercise, it is useful to place a card 30 - 60 cm in front of the face with a number or some symbol inscribed on it. While palming, mentally visualize the symbol clearly, as though one were actually seeing it with great clarity and minus any fuzziness. After a few minutes remove the hands, open the eyes and gaze gently at the symbol which should appear quite clearly for a few seconds before the old muscular habits reassert themselves. This will retrain the muscles over time.
Hatha yoga shatkarma (cleansing techniques)
Neti kriya acts directly on the olfactory and ocular systems, affecting all the structures of the face via reflex nervous activity. It is a particularly soothing and pleasant practice as well as being immensely practical. One medical practitioner has reported that is has proven useful even in the treatment of trachoma, an infection of the eyes which often leads to blindness. Neti is usefule in all ocular conditions, as well as for headaches, neurological disorders and coughs and colds.
Amaroli benefits the eyes, especially when fresh midstream urine, which may be diluted according to individual needs, is dropped directly into the eyes. Urine neti (diluted with water) may also be performed. If amaroli practice proves difficult, fresh water may be substituted.
Trataka is very powerful yogic shatkarma, which is especially useful in myopia. If your vision improves when you squint, or when you gaze through the tiny hole made by curling the first finger of the hand, then trataka on a black spot will be of immense benefit. Trataka is the best method of uprooting the habit of straining and staring, replacing it by gentle, controlled gazing. It acts on the whole optic system and steadies the turbulent and erratic flow of the neurotic, anxious mind. We know that in anxiety and mental tension, the eyes shift about and are unsteady. In some cases the individual cannot look directly into the eyes of the person to whom he or she is talking. Mental tensions are the root causes of many eye disorders, acting on the internal as well as external eye musculature. When the gaze is steadied, the mind as well as the muscles relax. The practice of trataka has a very powerful influence on many levels of our personality.
A modified or adapted form of trakata is called central fixation. The normal eye forms images around the central point of the retina, called the macula lutea or light spot. The rest of the field of vision is vague and less well defined. We can become aware of the process especially during reading or writing. While reading, aim to keep vision just below the line being read. As the eye shifts from one side to the other, be aware that the word nearest the point of central fixation appears more distinct than the others.
While writing, be aware of the pen tip where clarity is greatest as well as the rest of the page. This tends to expand the field of vision, so that we can take in not only the central area but also the outer, less well-defined spaces. Relaxation occurs.
Yoga nidra is one of the most scientific methods of relaxation yet devised. It acts at the deepest levels of our being, reducing those tensions which cause most of our diseases and problems in life. In dealing with eye problems directly, we can spend more time working on the eyes and facial structures during rotation of consciousness in the body. During breath awareness the movement of the breath should be felt in the facial region. A triangle can also be visualized, with the nostrils and the eyebrow center and back down again. A combination of the above methods is a powerful approach to remove refractive errors, to regain normal vision and to awaken inner vision and higher intuitive awareness.
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