We're stressed out, we don't eat what
is best for our mind/body type, we eat on the run, we combine foods badly, we
opt for smoothies instead of meals, we eat late at night, we skip meals...
there are dozens of reasons why our digestion is just not where it should be!
Then, we compound matters by taking medications. But the medications don't
help; they just mask the symptoms. We feel better in the short term, but in the
long term, we're hurting ourselves so much. We start to build up
"ama" or toxins - and Ayurveda says that this ama is the root cause
of most disease.
Basic tips for strong digestion:
- Fast in between meals. Don't graze, don't snack your way from meal to meal. Allow time in between meals to fully digest. This would be 3-6 hours depending on your dosha, the time of year, and the food you are eating.
- Eat your largest meal of the day midday. Between noon and 1 pm the digestive fire is strongest, and will work in our favor.
- Eat sitting down. Preferably at a table, in a relaxed atmosphere. Practice mindful eating - pay attention to your food, the colors, smell, and taste. Chew your food.
- Eat to just 75% full. Leave room for the food to move around in there to digest properly.
- No ice. Too much water dilutes the gastric juices that break down food. But putting ice in the water is like throwing ice on a fire. You don't want to kill your fire, you want it burning brightly to do its job in digesting the food. Instead have warm water with meals, and just sips, you don't need a lot of water when you are eating.
- What else are you digesting? Pay attention to your emotions, your environment, your relationships. We take in toxins from the media all the time. Be sure to use filters, and choose what you focus on through the four areas of life: body, mind, spirit and space.
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