Wednesday, 29 July 2015


Statistics say that 73% of westerners suffer from one kind of digestive issue or another at any time. That's huge! How does this happen? Our western lifestyle is much to blame. 

We're stressed out, we don't eat what is best for our mind/body type, we eat on the run, we combine foods badly, we opt for smoothies instead of meals, we eat late at night, we skip meals... there are dozens of reasons why our digestion is just not where it should be! Then, we compound matters by taking medications. But the medications don't help; they just mask the symptoms. We feel better in the short term, but in the long term, we're hurting ourselves so much. We start to build up "ama" or toxins - and Ayurveda says that this ama is the root cause of most disease.

The good news is, we can get ourselves into better habits, and strengthen our digestion. It's never too late. Whether we have acid reflux, are overweight, feeling nauseous, or whatever it is - Ayurveda explains that we need to balance that digestive fire, the agni.  When agni is good, we feel light, clear and energetic - healthy!

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Asana of the week - Big Toe Pose / Padangusthasana

The Big Toe Pose or the Padangusthasana is one of the easier poses in yoga. Most yoga practitioners will learn how to do this pose in the early practices and sessions of yoga. It is one of the few poses that will help you to stretch all your muscles from head to toe.

Pada = foot. Angustha = big toe.

Thursday, 23 July 2015

The Invitation, by Oriah Mountain Dreamer

It doesn't interest me what you do for a living
I want to know what you ache for
and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing.

Another successful baby yoga class. . .

Hi fellow yogis:)

Tuesdays are so far my most fulfilling days as I get to do a full day of practice, preparing and executing. Wow, what a rewarding experience!!!!!

So the kiddies and all their mommies are on holiday, and as most yogis know, when one door closes so another one opens and that is exactly the journey. Until late September when kiddies come back I have the privilege of hosting a baby yoga class. Today I had 2 beautiful mommies with their 9 month old and 8 month old. Again these little rugrats did not like to be put on their backs. And ofcourse they didn't! They are at a phase where they just started to learn to crawl, and have the world at their discovery,  why would they submit to the pearl of savasana, hehe, adorable little explorers.

I made sure that I included much more postures for the mommies to get involved with touch and movement in their own practice...only once the mommies came down to collect their kisses, baby was halfway across the room:) We improvised...

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Asana for the week - Bharadvaja's Twist

The Bharadvaja's Twist (asana dedicated to the sages) is a simple yoga exercise done in a seated position. It has multiple benefits and can be done by all, including beginners. The gentle twist rejuvenates the spine and muscles of the body and soothes the nervous system. Regular practice of this pose has a calming effect on the body.
This pose is a good stretch for the hips, spine and shoulders. A great stress buster and aids healthy digestion. Also beneficial to arthritis patients if practiced regularly and relieves lower backache and neck pain. 
This pose helps strengthen the lower back in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, but should be performed under supervision, carefully and moderately by pregnant ladies.

Baby Yoga

Hi fellow yogis!

So yesterday I did my first one-on-one baby yoga session. When I was first asked to hold such a class I was slightly hesitant as I have had no previous training or experience. But as with the kiddies I did not want to limit myself and knew whatever I took on in this journey would be one of full commitment and attention. And that is exactly what I did, I offered a trial session, giving myself enough time for thorough research and preparation till I had the confidence to deliver an awesome mommy and baby yoga class.

I started off with mommy in easy posture, baby on lap and diaphragm breathing - mommy holding the baby tightly around the tummy as she moved her belly up and down against the little one's back.

After that, we did some rotations, first the neck, shoulders, wrists and ankles. Followed by soft massages on the palms, feet and behind the neck, and then we focused on the little spine.

Friday, 10 July 2015

The beginning. . .

Hi everyone, welcome to my first post on SEYOGA's blog, where I'd like to share with you my journey on becoming the best yoga student and teacher I can be in this beautiful country called Seychelles. Learning and growing everyday through personal practice, preparing for classes, continuous research and living a free spirited, conscientious life.

I have had the privilege of starting off with a couple of yoga sessions a week on this small man-made island called Eden Island. Recently I was asked to give kiddies yoga sessions additionally and it has been such an awesome experience to see these little ones responding to yoga. These sessions alone have taught me so much about myself, including the unique development of little characters and their bodies. How honored I am to be the one introducing yoga to these little souls, and they are so adorable!

My adult sessions have been just as great as many of the students came to their first yoga class ever, and continued on their journey with me. What a pleasure as a teacher to see a student's progression in their understanding and control of their own bodies, pushing through the barriers the minds often sets during an asana. It is incredibly motivating to see this progress and on-top of that see the joy a student experiences recognizing their own progression.

Hope you find this blog an inspiration for your own personal journey, and continue to learn and grow with me.