If your mat is lightly soiled,
use a spray bottle, damp sponge, or terry cloth rag to apply a solution of two
cups of water and four drops of dish soap. Rub the soiled areas. Wipe the mat
with clean water; then rub with a dry terry cloth towel. Hang to air dry.
If your mat is heavily soiled, submerge it in a solution of warm
water and mild detergent; use very little soap as any residue may cause the mat
to become slippery during future use.
Thoroughly hand wash the mat and rinse in
clean water. After squeezing out the excess water, lay the mat on a dry towel and roll the mat and
towel together. Stepping on the rolled up mat will squeeze more moisture out of
the mat and into the towel. Then unroll and hang to air dry.
For maintenance, carry with a small spray bottle of water mixed with a couple of essential oil drops, tea tree and eucalyptus oil works great and has a lovely aroma. Spray this over your mat after your practice and you will have a fresh and sterilized mat for your next session.
Always try and go as natural and organic with your cleaning products as possible. This includes vinegar and baking soda as great replacements for detergents.